Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Museum in the Metro

Just a quick hit of something I saw in Paris.  The Manuscript Museum has a great exhibition space in a metro station.  Big projections and well-designed wall mounted cases highlighted manuscripts (in reproduction from) from their collections.  And waiting for a train is great browsing time!


  1. The DC Metro needs this. It would make the gloomy, cavernous stations much more interesting and could give all of the smaller museums in town access to much larger audiences.

  2. Hi Linda, This is great! I remember one of the metro stops in the upper class neighbourhoods of Madrid had (has?) displays as well, but not this big.

    Goes with the discussion on where a museum could also be: http://themuseumofthefuture.com/2013/02/26/what-could-be-an-alternative-location-for-your-museum/

  3. Thanks museumswork and Jasper--glad you liked it--definitely something I just stumbled across. And I think what I liked was that it wasn't just big posters of art, but really with the cases, created a little museum experience. And definitely reaches people who are never going to the museum of manuscripts!

  4. I love this idea. It makes me wonder about other public spaces that would benefit from an exhibition.

  5. Have you been to Athens? Naturally building the underground rail system there was an actual archaeological dig. The Greeks love their history and have practically as many museums as cafes (that's hyperbole ok?) so they enhanced the artefacts with collection items, labels and other museology. Trust the Greeks to think of an idea like this first!
