Sunday, September 18, 2011

Icelandic Museums

My family and I recently spent two weeks in Iceland on vacation.  It's a fascinating place, unlike any other and its museums were the same.  I saw traditional folk museums, met a few impassioned small museum professionals, and saw high-tech media installations.  I thought Uncataloged readers might be interested in seeing some inspiring images and have posted them on the Uncataloged Museum Facebook page (oh yes,  and don't forget to like it).  Enjoy!


  1. Linda, what great exhibits and photos! You and the Icelandic museums have given me so many ideas for exhibit for our small local historical museum (once we move to our new, larger space). I especially liked the exhibits that used large (basically wall-size) photos combined with 3D elements in front of them -- like the puffin hunter's net that shoots out of the photo to snatch a 3D puffin from the air or the woman (mannequin) hanging saltfish on a line in front of a large photo of the same (she looks real, though, since shown from the back). Really wonderful -- thanks!
    Hatfield Historical Museum, Curator
    Hatfield, MA

  2. Thanks Kathie--I'm always looking for good ideas and happy to share them. And as I understand it, the fun puffin catcher photo/net is actually a picture of the carpenter who did all the great installation work at that museum. He can do anything! the curator said.
