Friday, October 1, 2010

Back to the Other Side

This weekend, I'm headed back to Ukraine for 10 days with a small team of museum colleagues to conduct an assessment of Pyrohiv, the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life outside Kyiv.  It was the very first museum I visited on a very cold, very snowy Christmas Day in January, 2009, just a day or two after arriving in Ukraine for the first time.  I'm very pleased to be returning and particularly pleased to have the opportunity to delve deeper into the many complexities of this museum.

But the conversation around my recent posts has been fascinating-- there's much more to write about on both sides of the ocean!  Stay tuned.


  1. Buna ziua! este un proiect nou cu scop informativ. Ne-am propus să venim cu cele mai noi ştiri din muzică, recenzii de albume, concerte şi, de ce nu, filme, interviuri cu artişti români şi străini. Sustine proiectul si alatura-te echipei noastre! ONmusique cauta sa-si largeasca echipa formată din oameni cu experienţă, ambiţioşi, talentaţi şi dornici de muncă; asadar, daca doresti sa te alaturi, trimite un e-mail la ONmusique...Pentru ca muzica apartine tuturor! Felicitari pentru blog!Multumesc pentru timpul acordat!Cu stima Dan!

  2. It's a neat museum - I visited it with my parents as a Peace Corps volunteer over a decade ago. It's quite bucolic in the summertime!
