Friday, May 16, 2008

New Exhibits of Note

I'm always reading about new exhibits and keep a mental list of ones I'd like to see, should I be somewhere. Some are on the list because of the subject matter, others because of an interesting installation or approach, and some just for fun. Here's some from my current list:

Discovering Rastafari! at the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History. I know little about this religion and culture and for me, an exhibition is always a great way to begin to learn more. Weirdly, there's just a one paragraph description on the museum's website, but you can read the New York Times review here.

The Horse, at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Sounds like a large exhibit, chock-full of objects, computer interactives and hands-on elements. AMNH has produced a number of my most memorable exhibits, from tattoos to Darwin.

Take Your Time:
Olafur Eliasson at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
I couldn't describe this, so here's an excerpt from the museum's website:

Take your time: Olafur Eliasson is the first comprehensive survey in the United States of works by Olafur Eliasson, whose immersive environments, sculptures, and photographs elegantly recreate the extremes of landscape and atmosphere in his native Scandinavia, while foregrounding the sensory experience of the work itself. Drawn from collections worldwide, the presentation spans over fifteen years of Eliasson's career. His constructions, at once eccentric and highly geometric, use multicolored washes, focused projections of light, mirrors, and elements such as water, stone, and moss to shift the viewer's perception of place and self. By transforming the gallery into a hybrid space of nature and culture, Eliasson prompts an intensive engagement with the world and offers a fresh consideration of everyday life.

It looks beautiful and compelling--and when you visit the website, don't miss looking at the pictures of visitors interacting with the exhibit.

Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
I like historic costume, but I'm not very interested in when bustles came in or sleeves went out. The visual nature of clothing and its meaning in all of our lives is what draws me in. Any show that combines comic books, high fashion, and high performance sportswear seems worth seeing.

And one historic site for the list, the newly opened President Lincoln's Cottage.
Using "historical voices" and images, the site tells the story of the simple place that was Lincoln's retreat.

What do you want to see?

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